Mr. Miller's financial services career began in 1987 at the investment banking firm of Drexel Burnham Lambert. Post Drexel Burnham Lambert, he has represented in excess of $1 billion in aggregate client market capitalization to the financial community.
Ira capitalized and co-founded IW Miller Group, a boutique corporate consulting firm, in 1992. The firm's core focus was in the wireless and technology industries. During the firm’s tenure Mr. Miller represented Globalink, a language translation company which became the third largest percentage gainer on the American Exchange and eventually sold to Lernout & Hauspie in 1998.
In 2011 Mr. Miller consulted with Epicor Software Solutions, an enterprise software solution company. Epicor became one of the largest percentage gainers on the Nasdaq with a market capitalization that eclipsed $850 million dollars before being taken back private. Subsequently, he consulted with Orko Silver which was sold to Coeur d’Alene Mines (NYSE:CDE) for cash and equity of $382 million in 2013.
In 2009, Mr. Miller co-founded and financed a Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) course that was taught at the Wagner School at New York University where he also participated as a guest lecturer. The following year it was awarded course of the year. In addition, Mr. Miller has served on the Economic Board of Visitors at UCLA from 2011-2012 and was a guest lecturer at UCLA in Finance/Economics during that time period. He resumed his guest lecturing role at UCLA for Fall Semester of 2013. Ira graduated with a Bachelor's Degree, Major: Economics Minor: Psychology, from UC Irvine.
In 2023, Ira formed First Inning Ventures, a firm providing Sports Athlete Agency and Branding services. Through First Inning Ventures, Mr. Miller established a platform for a select group of Undergraduate students at Rutgers Business School that helped them analyze Small/Mid Cap equities and Sports Venture opportunities. In 2024 he is working to establish similar programs with Duke University's Fucua School of Business and the Sports Venture Platform at Yale University.